5-6 Big Garlic Cloves (remove the germ inside to avoid strong garlic flavor)
1/2 Tsp Salt
2 Tbsp Lime juice(Use a small Lime instead of big Lemon, more tarter)
1 Egg White, cold
200ml Pure Sunflower Oil (cold preferably)
2 Tbsp Ice Cold water
For Chicken
Mix all the Spices with the Chicken boneless fillets and keep refrigerated overnight. Fry them till golden brown on both sides. Cut into thin strips.
For Pita Bread
Mix Warm water, sugar and instant yeast in a bowl. Add half of the flour and salt. Mix. Add rest of the flour and knead.
Knead the dough for 5-10 Mins till smooth. Do not add too much flour. Grease a bowl with olive oil, place the dough. Let it rest till doubles.
Knock the air down, place the dough into a flat surface. Divide into 6 equal parts, make smooth balls. Cover them with a cloth for 30 Mins.
Roll them out to 7 Inches width. Keep the rolled out ones covered for 5 mins. Do not keep more than 5 mins else they form a dry crust on top.
Cook the pitas on Medium high heat. When first bubbles appear flip on the other side. Once it puffs a bit, flip it again and cook till it puffs completely.
For Garlic Sauce
Place 6 Big Garlic Cloves, Salt and 1 Tbsp Lime juice in the blender. Blend on High speed.
Add 1 Egg White. Blend on High speed till Garlic is nicely minced and foamy.
Add half of the Oil slowly through a funnel while blending high speed. It should emulsify and look creamy. Stop and check.
Switch to Low speed, add remaining lime juice slowly through the funnel. Then Add rest of the oil slowly. It should look Creamy.
Blend again on low speed, Add slowly 2 Tbsp Ice cold water through the funnel. Garlic Sauce is ready! Keep Refrigerated airtight. Tastes best the next day, becomes mellow. Stays good for 3-4 days.
Spread Garlic sauce on the Pita bread, then place the fried chicken and French fries. Then add lettuce and top with more garlic sauce. Tie the ends with a parchment paper. Enjoy your homemade Shawarma!